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VossenVossen Forged Precision Series VPS-315 -
Vossen Forged Precision Series 6061-T6 forged aluminium custom wheels. Step Lip & Deep Concave Design Size: 19"-24" H & P.C.D.: All Custom Made Forged lightweight wheels and rigid structure Available in custom 48 colors and combination. The flagship of Vossen Forged, the Precision Series is distinguished by signature 30-degree cut angles combined with the perfect lip-to-barrel transition of the Infini-Lip. Made in USA 商品描述 VOSSEN 定制鍛造車輪 6061-T6鍛造鋁定制車輪。 深凹設計 尺寸:19“〜24” 輪圈本身的各種數據如:H&P.C.D.可度身訂造 鍛造輕質車輪 可用於48種顏色和組合。 美國制造 VPS系列為VOSSEN旗艦鍛造車輪 ADDITIONAL DETAILS0 1440014400RUB14400RUB

Vossen Forged Precision Series VPS-315 - в Магадане
Vossen Forged Precision Series 6061-T6 forged aluminium custom wheels. Step Lip & Deep Concave Design Size: 19"-24" H & P.C.D.: All Custom Made Forged lightweight wheels and rigid structure Available in custom 48 colors and combination. The flagship of Vossen Forged, the Precision Series is distinguished by signature 30-degree cut angles combined with the perfect lip-to-barrel transition of the Infini-Lip. Made in USA 商品描述 VOSSEN 定制鍛造車輪 6061-T6鍛造鋁定制車輪。 深凹設計 尺寸:19“〜24” 輪圈本身的各種數據如:H&P.C.D.可度身訂造 鍛造輕質車輪 可用於48種顏色和組合。 美國制造 VPS系列為VOSSEN旗艦鍛造車輪 ADDITIONAL DETAILS
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